Bill Kreuser wrote about the nuance of growing degree day calculations.

Chris Tritabaugh explained three ways they’ve worked to optimize the golf course.

Andrew McDaniel shared a video of sod harvesting in Japan:

GP explained without numbers.

A metric spreadsheet for topdressing amounts from PACE Turf.

Bier, Koch, and Soldat on potassium fertilizer and microdochium patch.

Grant Saunders asked about thatch and soil moisture:

Three ways I’ve thought of turf management: modifying the growing environment, adjusting the growth rate, and maximizing the playing condition:work ratio.

Flipping things around: how much growth is expected for each increment of N fertilizer?

Matee Suntisawasdi showed manilagrass invading seashore paspalum:

Percent base saturation seems not to be a particularly useful concept.

Andrew McDaniel with zoysia greens in the fall:

Paul Jansen wrote an article about unconventional golf.

Joe Gulotti wrote about roots in Golfdom.

Estimating grass stolon planting rates.

Growth, water use, and nutrient use of three grasses in central Thailand.

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