There is plenty of reading material in this month’s roundup, with topics ranging from coring (is it really necessary?) to large patch to golf in China. And lots more:

Jason Haines on how the MLSN guidelines changed the way he fertilized the golf course.

Haines on how the temperature-based growth potential changed the way he fertilized the golf course.

Application of the grammar of greenkeeping.

A disturbing photo of lots of large patch.

Dan Washburn on golf in China.

Eric Reasor on managing bermudagrass off-types on putting greens.

A Ryder Cup miscellany, in charts.

Winter is coming to Iceland.

Dave Wilber on karma.

Golf, health, and multifunctional facilities.

These are the top 25 tweets from the Ryder Cup, with an asterisk.

Jeff Johnson showed amazing surfaces produced with ag grade fertilizers.

Soil water balance (and implied irrigation water requirement) at Sapporo from 2013 to 2016.

Daily and monthly calculations of ET and irrigation requirement, with some especially interesting comments.

More from Haines, on turfgrass diseases.

How much coring is really necessary?

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