This is an interesting poll by David Phipps.

He wants to know what is the preferred social media platform for work.

As I look at the poll on Twitter, as it stands now, Twitter is the winner in a landslide at 91%. But he mentioned also that he posted this on Facebook and the results favor Facebook.

It’s interesting that LinkedIn is not even on the poll, but that is supposed to be a network for work. And I know a few turfgrass people or regions that do seem to have quite a bit of stuff on LinkedIn.

I prefer Twitter. By a landslide. Of all the visits to, 65% come from social media. And of those coming from some type of social media, 87% are from Twitter. And about 80% of the visits to are through some type of social media, and 71% of those are from Twitter.

visits to ATC by social media source

I share ATC posts on a range of social media platforms, but it is really only from Twitter that vistors click to visit the ATC sites.