I received this note from the ASHS last week:

Conference Recordings are now available

All sessions that were audio recorded during the conference are now available for listening. Click here to access the recordings.

I gave a presentation about research conducted with Rujira Deewatthanawong and Supavadee Chanapan at the Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR). The title of this paper is “Nutrient Use, Water Use, and Growth of Manilagrass, Hybrid Bermudagrass, and Seashore Paspalum Turfgrass in Central Thailand.” You can watch it here.

There was a question at the end of the presentation about the method used to measure N in the grass clippings. I have checked with Brookside Labs, and found that “nitrogen is analyzed by Carlo Erba or Elementar Carbon/Nitrogen Analyzers.”