Is it the transition zone, or the turfgrass twilight zone?

A travelogue about a botanizing trip in Japan.

Graeme Roberts with stunning tree photos:

Golf and health. Summarising a recent article with broad relevance to the future of golf.

Brad Revill showed surface firmness in approaches vs. fairway turf:

High resolution DLI maps of the United States

Guertal and McElroy wrote an article showing that Poa annua growth and seedheads are affected by P fertilizer.

This is a cool video about grassroots football:

Jason Haines wrote about out of control growth.

I wrote about the article by Zhang et al. with respect to drought, bermudagrass, and zoysiagrass.

I explained four reasons zoysia should be a poor choice for California.

Maggie Reiter visited a golf course in Yosemite National Park:

I made my data-driven picks of the top 25 turfgrass tweets of the 2018 Ryder Cup.

Danny Vandecoevering wrote a thoughtful email to me that included this phrase: “nothing to do with whether or not it works.”

Schmid et al. wrote an article showing that K deficiency can increase anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass.

Adam Calver showed rice harvest at Laguna Langco in Vietnam:

The TurfTruth account showed up and a long conversation developed about the appropriateness of such an account.

I usually write 50 to 100 new posts on the ATC blog each year. If you would like to get an e-mail containing each new post, you can sign up here.

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