On December 2, I’ll be speaking about three of my favorite topics at Copenhagen Golf Club. Register here for this exciting full day seminar organized by the Danish Golf Union and the Danish Greenkeepers Association.

dec 2 seminar brochure

I’ll first talk about the principles that I call the grammar of greenkeeping. The main point with this is that turfgrass management can be thought of as managing the growth rate of the grass. Thinking about the work in that way can be a useful tool, both to optimize the work and to produce the desired surfaces.

Then I’ll talk about putting greens, and all the useful information that accrues when the growth is measured. One Bucket at a Time is a great reference for this.

There’s one more topic for me to discuss—putting green speed as measured by the stimpmeter. Because so much work is done to putting greens, I’ve found it useful to measure and understand green speed and its variation.