Paspalum and manilagrass lawns

I noticed something interesting on the lawn of a resort at Ko Kood earlier this month. Looking down from the “Beware of falling coconuts” signs, I noticed that the southern section of lawn was primarily seashore paspalum, and that section of lawn was infested with a variety of weeds. Moving... [Read More]

So much silicon research I can't keep up with it all

I was searching the Turfgrass Information File for ‘turfgrass quality rating’ and a couple interesting silicon/silica/silicate projects appeared in the results. The first one, Fortification of Potassium Silicate With Compost Tea and Seaweed Extract for the Management of Dollar Spot of Turfgrass by Manoharan, I’ll summarize with this quote: “this... [Read More]

Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: April 2018

Is reactive greenkeeping better than proactive? Martin Till explained how excess phosphorus will ruin your water. Dan Gardner showed a photo comparison from five years of thatch management: Love these comparisons of five years of thatch management. From 50mm thatch depth to less than 10mm. In the quest for livelier... [Read More]