“Microbes live in a carbon-rich, nitrogen-poor world”.

Animated clipping volume, and green speed—again.

Clipping volume rising and falling.

Edwin Roald shared a photo of the golf course at Sigló.

Bill Kreuser wrote about iron chlorosis and different iron sources.

He also wrote about PGR-induced collar decline.

Turfgrass posts now tagged by topic.

Smith-Kerns dollar spot prediction model and korai.

Mowing greens without buckets.

Article about Wimbledon’s grass in the NY Times.

Jason Haines wrote 5 posts at Turfhacker. Disease, growth rate, favoring one species over another, sand rates and timing. All worth a read.

Mick Crawley on the ecology of hay fields.

On the misuse of fertilizers.

Andrew McDaniel showed some putting green roots.

Predicting organic matter in turfgrass soils.

James Sergeant shared some good results.

I usually write 50 to 100 new posts on the ATC blog each year. If you would like to get an e-mail containing each new post, you can sign up here.

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