I’ll be teaching a webinar on Friday, May 22, at 10 a.m. New York time, about How MLSN Works. The webinar is for the Amplify network and is free and open to everyone.

Contact Chris Eidson (ceidson [at] blinc [dot] com), the Education Specialist at Brookside Labs, to register.

title slide

I put the title slide together, and that’s it for the slides so far. I have made some notes about what I’d like to discuss:

What we are trying to do with fertilizer
Finding the optimum fertilizer amount, this extends to NOT too much, also NOT too little
A new visualization of how the guidelines are developed, based on something I thought of (and wished I had shown then) during my MLSN seminar series in Sweden
Soil test, pick time duration, compare to grass use
Use a set of soil test results and show the fertilizer recommendations using MLSN

Something like that.