image of 3 video and 1 cheat sheet recommended here

In my recent “How MLSN Works” seminar—slides here—I mentioned some other ways to learn more about MLSN. The four items I recommended are:

  • The Humbug movie which explains MLSN and includes discussions with turfgrass managers who have used it.

  • The MLSN cheat sheet, 2 information-packed pages with all the details of this topic, answers to common questions, and more.

  • From the TurfNet webinar archives, my presentation about MLSN Guidelines: what they are and how to use them. This was a 10 minute presentation with 50 minutes devoted to questions and answers.

  • I recorded a screencast of my presentation at the European Turfgrass Society conference in 2018, Turfgrass fertiliser recommendations with or without soil tests. This explains how the MLSN guidelines can be used to make effective nutrient recommendations for turfgrass all around the world.