Turfgrass soil sampling, part 3 of 7

There’s an article by Donohue, Evaluation of soil nutrient variability for development of turfgrass soil test sampling methods, that describes results from sampling a 2,000 m2 (21,520 ft2) lawn at the Virginia Tech Turfgrass Center Laboratory. Figure 3 from Donohue (2002) showing Mehlich 1 phosphorus (P) test results; the units... [Read More]

Turfgrass soil sampling, part 2 of 7

The instructions from Rutgers are to take from 12 to 15 samples from a single putting green. I like to check Penn State recommendations too—their websites are a wealth of reference materials. A good starting point is the Professional Turfgrass Management page with its long list of documents. My favorite... [Read More]

Turfgrass soil sampling, part 1 of 7

After I read the article by Lawrence et al. on Guiding soil sampling strategies using classical and spatial statistics: A review, I made some calculations, sent a few email inquiries, looked up some standard recommendations for turfgrass testing, reread another article on this topic, sent out a Twitter poll, and... [Read More]

Big differences between species

Yesterday I took a walk around a golf course in Chonburi, Thailand. It is three months into the dry season at this location; there has been negligible rainfall in Chonburi since the start of November. The tees and fairways at this course have received irrigation, but the unirrigated manilagrass (Zoysia... [Read More]