The BIGGA National Regional Conference in November

I just saw the program (and the pricing) for BIGGA’s National Regional Conference and am impressed. This 10 November virtual conference has course renovation, tournament preparation, simple steps to encourage wildlife on the golf course, the busiest season, and then me. I usually talk about one topic for an hour... [Read More]

Bermudagrass stolons and zoysiagrass rhizomes

One of the things I’ve noticed when growing grasses in pots is the striking difference between aboveground stolons produced by bermudagrass, and underground rhizomes produced by zoysiagrass. These grasses were grown in pots and fertilized with N, P, and K. Red lines show the approximate ground level. The Tifeagle bermudagrass... [Read More]

Three #rturf projects: green speed & clipvol, zoysia response to fertilizer during grow-in, and report automation

You may have seen a few posts about #rturf on my personal site. I’m writing about that topic over there so I don’t clutter up the ATC site with too much data analysis and computer code. However, a few readers may be interested in that series, so I’ll introduce it... [Read More]