Updated spreadsheets for sand topdressing by GP

The spreadsheets from PACE Turf start with a new default value

The PACE Turf topdressing rate spreadsheets have been updated with a new default starting value for monthly maximum topdressing sand. US units spreadsheet Metric units spreadsheet You can use the spreadsheets to input the monthly average air temperatures at your location. The spreadsheet then converts those temperatures to growth potential... [Read More]

Hollow-tine cultivation and solid-tine spiking both failed to alleviate summer bentgrass decline

A late July solid-tine spiking treatment of a creeping bentgrass green in Hokkaido, Japan How’s this for a lede? “Hollow-tine coring and solid-tine spiking practices may not alleviate creeping bentgrass summer decline.” You’ll read that at the start of Creeping bentgrass summer decline as influenced by climatic conditions and cultural... [Read More]