Four more sources for MLSN information

In my recent “How MLSN Works” seminar—slides here—I mentioned some other ways to learn more about MLSN. The four items I recommended are: The Humbug movie which explains MLSN and includes discussions with turfgrass managers who have used it. The MLSN cheat sheet, 2 information-packed pages with all the details... [Read More]

Brand new MLSN webinar this Friday

I’ll be teaching a webinar on Friday, May 22, at 10 a.m. New York time, about How MLSN Works. The webinar is for the Amplify network and is free and open to everyone. Contact Chris Eidson (ceidson [at] blinc [dot] com), the Education Specialist at Brookside Labs, to register. I... [Read More]

Algae, sand, and phosphorus

On February 28, I planted ‘Wana’ manilagrass as two node rhizomes in sand-filled pots. All pots have had irrigation and rainfall. One pot has not been fertilized. One has received only N from urea. Another pot has gotten N and P, from urea and from diammonium phosphate (DAP). The fourth... [Read More]